Engaged as legal advisers to the Central Bank of Nigeria on the Nigerian Banking Sector Reform Program from 2009 to 2012, including advising five (5) of the distressed banks in their recapitalization process and three (3) others through the bridge bank process.
Advised the Central Bank of Nigeria in drafting of the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) Act and setting up of AMCON.
Advised Standard Chartered Bank London in respect of a US$350 Million trade facility in favour of First Bank Plc, the largest foreign borrowing by an indigenous banking institution.
Advised on the structuring and financing of the US$450 Million Development of Lagos Bar Beach as a Tourist Gateway Project involving the Entech (Pty) of South Africa.
Advised Standard Chartered Bank London on the issuance of a US$65 Million Performance Bond by a foreign bank on behalf of an indigenous oil company in favour of a national oil company.
Advised a syndicate of local commercial lenders on the financing and legal structure of a US$240 Million cross-border transaction involving a telecommunication company laying a submarine fibre-optic cable across the Atlantic.
Advised on the preparation of US$58 Million Multi-Currency Facility Agreement, Debenture Mortgage and other transaction documents on behalf of Fidelity Bank Plc in a Project Finance for the establishment of a manufacturing plant.
Advised Standard Chartered Bank on the issuance of a US$65 Million performance bond to NNPC for the benefit of an indigenous oil company.
Advised a syndicate of banks in respect of a US$250 Million debt financing to an indigenous oil company for the development of an oil field and construction of 70km and 35km oil pipelines.